Can You Outsmart the Tart? (Visual Pun #5) » JAN O'HARA

Can You Outsmart the Tart? (Visual Pun #5)

Below is the visual representation of a commonly seen object.

Can you figure out what it is?

Turn to page two and scroll down for the answer. If you enjoy these, please feel free to share them with others.

Visual pun 5 Tartitude, Jan O'Hara

2 Replies to “Can You Outsmart the Tart? (Visual Pun #5)”

    1. Hi, Stacy. Sorry for the delay in my response. I haven’t had an access to the computer until just now.

      Good guess, but not quite. If you want to turn to page 2, I’ve got the answer there below a number of ellipses.

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