Writers: an Opportunity to Enrich Your Career and Help the Red Cross » JAN O'HARA

Writers: an Opportunity to Enrich Your Career and Help the Red Cross

Jan in Japan at age seventeen

With about ten more minutes of work, I’d be in a position to punch “publish” on today’s planned post. Given the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, that doesn’t seem appropriate.

My heart goes out to that nation. About a million years ago, it sheltered me for six wonderful weeks and gave me my first taste of adult independence. Perhaps that’s why their struggles feel personal to me in a way other countries’ haven’t necessarily. 

Next week I was going to blog about the Writers for the Red Cross initiative that I’m part of this year, along with a contingent from Writer Unboxed. This seems like a good time to mention it. I’ll give you the specific link to my wee offering later, but for now, consider having a look at this page.

While making a donation, you can build a book club; obtain unpublished, autographed books; receive critique on book proposals or partials; and get coaching on a blogging tour. 

Final date of this round of bidding takes place Sunday, March 13, 2011.

Be safe, me Zesties. No matter our struggles, if you’re reading this, last night’s events probably gave you a deeper knowledge of what and who you cherish. How’s about we turn that insight into legacy in the months and years ahead, even if we only speak more tenderly with one another?

Are you up for that?

6 Replies to “Writers: an Opportunity to Enrich Your Career and Help the Red Cross”

  1. I wonder if you can donate anonymously?

    Also, what else do they need? Anything? Do they need other author’s to contribute books or ? I couldn’t find anything on that so assuming they’re okay on that?

  2. Hi Jan:

    Thanks for posting this. I’ve been through a few quakes but never experienced five minutes of shaking. Good grief! Love the concept of Writers for the Red Cross. Thanks for posting this.

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