Blog Cultures, Lexicons, and What the Heck Should I Call My Readership? » JAN O'HARA

Blog Cultures, Lexicons, and What the Heck Should I Call My Readership?

Years ago, my brother gave me the book The Alchemist for Christmas. Some people criticize it as simplistic, but 65 million people appear to have another opinion.

Within writing circles, it’s often referenced as a classic example of a quest story. It employs archetypal characters, a clearly delineated three act structure, and executes one of my favorite elements for emotional resonance: book-ending. In other words, if you write, even if The Alchemist isn’t your cup of tea as a reader, it’s worth studying. 

If that weren’t enough, its author is often spoken of as a blogger extraordinaire — one who knows his core audience and caters to their taste. Since Paulo Coelho‘s posts can hit 31,000 Facebook shares, methinks there’s some truth to that opinion. 

Have a peek at his blog, and you can get a sense of why it works for him. Here’s a screenshot capture from this morning: 

Yup. That's almost 8000 shares in less than 24 hours.

What do you see in that? I see accessibility, an international emphasis, quest elements, and the same emphasis on spirituality he writes about in his fiction. It’s brilliant, really, and while it might be smart marketing, it has the ring of authenticity. I get the sense of a man who knows who he is, what he seeks, and who shares that freely with his readership.

Here’s an example of a video he embeds. See if you don’t find the same elements in his choice of commercials:

Now, someday, sometime, I think it would be amazing to have intellectual understanding of what I stood for as a writer and blogger. I’m not sure I could or would alter anything I do with that insight, but it would satisfy my Virgoan nature. 😉

I mean, let’s face it, peeps: At present, my mission statement might be described as the rousing and distinctive “hllllspphfft”. I describe myself as a romance writer, but I’m not even sure that’s true other than the bits in my fiction about the kissing and the luuurve.

Still, despite my aimless stumbles through the blogging wilderness, it feels like we are acquiring a Tartitude lexicon.

  • Art. Attitude. Vitamin C.
  • The Pink Interlocking Horns of Disapproval
  • Even the award entitled “I Am One Citrusy Blogger”


Do you have any idea how much this pleases me? We are bonding. We have a culture. And that empowers me to announce I’m ready for the next step and I could use your help. I address you guys as “peeps” all the time, but I yearn for a more specific term.

If it were in your power, what would you name a Tartitude reader? (Please suggest a gender-neutral term.) Alternatively, if you blog, do you have a special name for your readership? How did it emerge?

PS: If you think about things like audience, check out this post. It’s written by the multi-award-winning Barbara O’Neal, who has a gift for understanding voice and how that ties into one’s market.

14 Replies to “Blog Cultures, Lexicons, and What the Heck Should I Call My Readership?”

  1. First, I read this: “I Am One Citrusy Blogger” as this: “I Am One Crusty Blogger” LAUGHING! And the funny thing is, I accepted that it said “crusty” … without going “Aw she ain’t crusty!” LAUGH.. haw…. okay, I’m finding things amusing this morning that probably aren’t to anyone else… but dang…huhn.

    Anyway — guess I can’t now call myself a “Crustacean” since it wasn’t crusty, but citrusy… now i have to go back to the drawing board…. shoot. dang.

    You know what – my blog is a chaotic universe just like my brain is – crap just splats on the screen out from my black hole — I wish it were not so – I wish I could draw readers to me in an ever-widening circle of “I’m popular!” awesomeness … dang again. So, some readers like hearing about Virginia Kate and Sweetie (which I rarely post about – I hate touting the authory book thing); some like hearing about the Writing/Editing process – which I sometimes do write about. Some like hearing aobut my mountain cove. Some like my photos. some like my insanity. SOme like a little of it all. So with all that, how can I direct to one audience …. DANGITY DANG MY HIDE!


  2. I doubt Gladys Knights’ background singers would object to Liz’s idea. And Kat, I call myself crusty all the time–it’s a state of mind, not a hygene problem ;). As to Tartlet, it does have a feminine ring. But, as John Lovitz said in an old Friends episode, “If you say Tartlet enough, the word loses all meaning.” I think there was an illegal substance involved in his logic, though.
    I don’t know if I’ve been around long enough to qualify for making suggestions, but what about Juice-heads, or Zesties? Sour-heads has a definite negativity, so that’s out. Lemonheads is a nineties rock band, and a delicious candy; maybe that’ll work. I doubt the band would sue ;).

  3. Vaughn, anyone is welcome to make a suggestion. Newcomers often see things with fresh eyes, and there is no hierarchy in the land of citrus.

    As for your ideas, in addition to cracking me up, I could see going with Zesties. 🙂 Don’t you think “Me Zesties” has a nice, gender-neutral tone to it? 😉

    We’ll have to wait and see if other ideas emerge.

  4. I can’t really connect to spiritual leaders wrapped up in grandiose mythology. I’ve never been one for role playing. I like to read The Lord of the Rings, but I don’t want to pretend that I’m Frodo! I’ve never read The Alchemist, but I love the title. 🙂 I think you’ve defined Tartitude as an easygoing quest for fun and food for thought, Jan! And “Pulpheads” for the win!

    1. “I think you’ve defined Tartitude as an easygoing quest for fun and food for thought, Jan!”

      You better be careful, Timothy. Keep distilling insights into thoughtful words like that, and people might think you’re a writer, or something. 😉 Thank you. 😀

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