A Genuine, for Real Announcement (Delivered in Pictorial Form) » JAN O'HARA

A Genuine, for Real Announcement (Delivered in Pictorial Form)

I realize you might be distrustful since the occasion of my April Fools’ joke, but this time, peeps, I am not messing with your mind.

Remember a while back when I yearned to try something scary, exciting, and expansive with my writing? Do you remember how I  tipped into action because of a vacuum and the Boop? No?

That’s okay. What’s important for today’s purposes is the result. How’s this for specificity?

Brown Packaged Box


Red Handled Box Cutter


Woman lying in grass field with head in cardboard box

Uh-huh. Like my orange-goggled avatar in the sidebar, that trim, young female is another not-me.

She does manage, nonetheless, to capture my present state of bliss, amazement, and how-did-I-ever-imagine-I-could-hang-with-the-big-kids?-idness.

The occasion?  Therese Walsh and Kathleen Bolton have placed their faith in me and invited me to join Writer Unboxed as the current voice of the unpublished.

Odd thing, that — to strive for a position you hope will become an ill-fitting one so soon. 😉 

I think it’s Dorothea Brande who said writers alternate between self-derisive and messianic tendencies. Let me just say I have spent the better part of the day looking at the list of names on WU, and wondering how I’ve managed to share pixel-space with them. 

I’ve read many of the other contestants’ comments, sussed out some of their blogs. I’m truly humbled to be in such auspicious company.

While I hope to do the position proud, you’ll pardon me, I’m sure, if I’m not exactly aiming for ten years of tenure. 😉

ETA: I’ll be posting the third Monday of the month, beginning in May. I hope those of you who know me from this place will come visit!

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28 Replies to “A Genuine, for Real Announcement (Delivered in Pictorial Form)”

  1. HOLY COW, TART! That’s awesome!!! I’m so happy, proud, elated and bursting for you! Couldn’t happen to a sweeter Tart!!!!

    You better write fast, because you won’t have that “unpublished” voice thing going on for long!!!

    Me and za rats just knows it!! 😉

    *jumps up and down like two year old on Skittles*


    xoxo — Hilary

  2. This is so great, and I’m thrilled to be reading you in TWO blogs now — that should hold me until I’m reading your books!

    Hope you wallow in the wonderfulness for a long time. 🙂

  3. Fantastic news! I may wander over to read up on that blog myself. And there’s nothing better to scare off that whole “unpublished” stigma than plenty of name-recognition!

    Good for you!

  4. Thank you, all! I know I shouldn’t be astonished at people’s generosity after all this time, but I’m still a little bowled over. Muchas gracias.

  5. Oooooh! Congrats to you! I bet you’ll meet lots of cool and helpful people, which will be… erm… cool and helpful! I hope it works at making your newfound position obsolete right away!

  6. Congratulations! I’m over here from Hart Johnson’s blog. I’ve had a few shorts published, but am still working on the first draft of my novel. Thanks for being the voice of the unpublished! I look forward to reading more of your posts!

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