Rainy-Day Blogging Strategies » JAN O'HARA

Rainy-Day Blogging Strategies

[picapp src=”0183/7e58e4ca-447b-41e2-99cd-0805515e71d4.jpg?adImageId=5836494&imageId=186998″ width=”234″ height=”311″ /]So you’re a blogger, and not an incidental one. You’ve committed to a schedule of X new posts per week, put considerable time and effort into your writing, and it’s paying off. You’re part of a social network in the career of your choice, you have a small but loyal following and, most importantly of all, you’re feeding the creative part of your soul you ignored for so long. Fabulous. 

Then life comes along, as it is wont to do. All of a sudden, those few blog posts you had written in advance dwindle to nothing. Your brain won’t unfreeze to write something coherent, never mind profound, uplifting or humorous. Yet the last thing you want to do is lose momentum. 

What’s a blogger to do?


If you’re looking to me to provide the answers, I afraid you might feel short-changed. I have a few ideas, folks, but what I’m particularly hoping to do is pick your brains and develop a couple more. Here’s what I’ve come up with: 

  1. Create a sizeable collection of banked posts. Given the nature of chaos, my personal goal is to develop a good month’s worth of work I can draw on as required. (Hush! I heard that cynical laughter.)
  2. Collect interesting links and videos for those days your posts need to be less intellectually taxing.
  3. Gather the names of people who wouldn’t mind doing a guest blog, particularly if you know your rainy day is only the edge of a typhoon. 
  4. If you’ve exhausted all your other possibilities, post an announcement that you’re taking a temporary blog hiatus. Make sure to include a realistic date you’ll resume. Then do your utmost to ensure you have new content on that date, even if it’s not personally written. 

Now, you’re a well-educated bunch. Many of you have years as readers or writers of blogs under your belt. Please add to my list. 

And while you’re at it, have you ever had “events” interfere with your blog posting? If so, how well did you weather the storm? How long did it take to recover?

Also, while I’m at it, anyone care to volunteer for my pool of emergency guest bloggers? Huh? Huh?

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10 Replies to “Rainy-Day Blogging Strategies”

  1. I post naughty/awful pictures when I can’t personally blog. Hell sometimes I just let my blog sit. Work has been a 24/7 thing and I can’t actually blog right now so recently I’ve been doing the latter.

    You could probably recycle an old post or some such crap as that. I hear people do that all the time.

    1. I post naughty/awful pictures at random. 😉 But I get your point. Have you really seen recycled posts used elsewhere? Because I like that idea. I know I have some that many readers won’t have seen before, and they’re some of my best work, IMO.

      Thank you. I like that idea.

    1. I know what you mean, Laura. If I’m not careful, my on-line commitments grow until they engulf every free moment. Then forget any work on actual fiction.

  2. Heh, I always grab a guest. And the results have been great!! I even have the guest posts in my sidebar. … so I’ll remember to go back and ask again. ; )

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