The Slow-but-Not-Forgotten and Turnabout's-Fair-Play Blogger Award Post » JAN O'HARA

The Slow-but-Not-Forgotten and Turnabout’s-Fair-Play Blogger Award Post

So. During the past *mumble six mumble* months, several people bestowed blogging awards on me. I thanked them properly at the time. Except for one #Janfail, in which I improperly saved another award which Hart Johnson gave me, I even snuggled my prizes upon occasion.  They provided me with a warm and goodly glow.

But I didn’t thank the givers here, nor continue their accompanying memes.

Today’s post will address half the deficiency, then throw in an extra Tarty twist.


  • Hart Johnson, for being my sister Tart, for your unflagging energy which allows you to write blog posts every day, work fulltime and still achieve an impressive wordcount…
  • Medeia Sharif, for being one of the readingest people I know, as well as a dedicated teacher, blogger and writer…
  • Roz Morris, for your unending supply of writing tips, wonderful blog redesign, and for gorgeous hair — which alone would make you an honorary Tart, if you wished to be one…
  • And The Botanist, for your Canadian citizenship and your unflinching pride in your lack of hair, as manifested in your blog’s name: The Bald Patch…

To each and every one of you who saw fit to cheer me on in what might well have been a dark writing day, please rise and receive your own award.

The requirements are thus:


Absolutely nothing.

Please simply accept this as my thanks for including me in your community of writerly friends.

12 Replies to “The Slow-but-Not-Forgotten and Turnabout’s-Fair-Play Blogger Award Post”

  1. Well, no wonder it took 6 months for this post…look at the beauty of your “Citrusy Blogger” award badge. Now, that is some talent!

    You are a much better person than I am. In a recent post, I basically told my award givers, “thanks, but no thanks…” Awards stress me out — is that wrong?

  2. Amanda, it’s neither right nor wrong. It’s how you feel.

    If I were to be perfectly consistent, like my abolition of #WW and #FF, I would hand out this “award” to everyone who owns a blog who’s ever: put me in their blogroll, quoted me, commented here, or been otherwise encouraging. Like yourself, for instance. 🙂 But I’ve been overthinking things lately and I had this little photoshop experiment and I decided to go for it. Just don’t count on it coming around again. 😉 I reserve the right to be inconsistent like all human beings.

    As for the memes that accompany awards, they can either be a shackle or a gift, depending upon their demands. So if they don’t suit you, I say shuck them without a second thought. Guilt should be a four letter word, and not the one that stands for something delightful.

  3. I would love to give blogger awards to all the lovely bloggers who have supported my blogs and been so kind! Unfortunately, I totally stink at creating awards, so I do the next best thing–I visit and comment (and use the word blog in as many ways as possible, because let’s face it–blog is a funny word.)

    There, Jan, I have bestowed upon you my bloggery award! ;-D
    Lovely post,

  4. Roz, then consider yourself so-dubbed. 😉 Also, thank you for the RT on FB!

    Teresa, I think the visiting and commenting isn’t so “next”. In fact, I think it’s quite wonderful. Danka, sweets, and ditto. I am at the library at present, trying to get some offline work done. (Ha!) Will be by your place later.

  5. Awww, I blush. 🙂

    I love the award. For some reason I can see it on my Blackberry but not on my computer. I’ll switch connections and see if I can save it and put it on my blog. Now my blog will have citrus-y goodness.

  6. Jan-thank you so much! I feel very honored to be recipient of a specially made award! It isn’t THERE just at the mo, but I suspect it is my computer, so I will come back in a bit and grab it!

  7. I didn’t see the image first time around either. It’s there now and it all suddenly makes sense.

    I am deeply honoured, Jan. A custom-made award like this is a rare treat. Mmmm…zesty

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